Project Canterbury

The Anglican Alphabet.

London: Marsh, 1873.

A was an Anglican carefully shorn.
B was his Baby, but recently born.
C for the Candles he placed all about,
D for the Dean, who at once blew them out.
E the Extinguisher making him weep.
F for the Fast Days his Wife would not keep.
G for the Girdle, in which he took pride,
H for his Horror to find it untied.
I for his Image, his Wife called a Toy.
J for a Jowett he longed to destroy.
K Kleptomania, his wife has much tried.
L was a Lady she could not abide.
M was a mat ladies worked for his Urn.
N was a Newman, who gave him a turn.
O an Old Woman, who would not confess.
P was his Prelate, who bid him do less.
Q was the Question, can all this be right?
R was his Rosary kept out of sight.
S was his Shirt made of Sackcloth and spurned.
T was the Triumph with which it was burned.
U the Unhappiness blighting his home.
V was the Victory ending in Rome.
W the Wife who will teaze him no more.
X for the Cross they both cheerfully bore.
Y for the Young ones they toiled hard to feed.
Z for their Zeal in promoting their creed.

Project Canterbury