Kitāb al-ṣalāwāt al-'āmmah wa-tadbīr al-asrār al-muqaddasah wa-mā ghayruhā min rusūm al-kanīsah wa-ādābihā wa-ayḍan mazāmīr Dā'ūd al-malik al-Nabī.
Liturgia Anglicana seu Liber Precum Communium et Administrationis Sacramentorum aliorumque ecclesiæ rituum et ceremoniarum adjecto Davidis Psalterio Arabice nunc primum totus editus. Preces Matutinas et Vespertinas, cum Officiis S. Eucharistiæ et Pædobaptismi Publici dudum interpretatus V. Cl. E. Pococke. Collectas vero et Catechismum Jo. Tytler. Lic. Med. Reliqua omnia (præter S. S. Scripturæ pericopas ex antiquâ versione Arabicâ repetitas) supplevit, et Psalterii versioni e Græcâ Alexandrinâ olim factæ collationem textus Hebraici et versionum antiquarum, cum locorum in Novo Testamento citatorum annotatione, ubique adjecit Gul. H. Mill.
Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Arabic.
Calcutta: Diocesan College Press, 1837.
كتاب الصلاة العامة واجراء السرين وسائر الرسوم والطقوس الكنسية بموجب استعمال كنيسة انكلترا، مع مزامير داود كما ترتبت لترتل او تتلى في الكنائس والصورة والطريقة لاقامة ورسامة وتكريس الاساقفة والقسوس والشمامسة.
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Morning Prayer
Evening Prayer
Collects, Epistles and Gospels
The Order for Holy Communion
The Order for Confirmation
The Order for the Burial of the Dead
The Catechism
Historical introduction
William Muss Arnolt discusses translations of the Book of Common Prayer into Arabic in The Book of Common Prayer among the Nations of the World:
[...] the first complete translation of the Liturgy was edited by Dr. Mill.
William Hodge Mill (1792-1853) was a noted Orientalist. He took deacon’s orders in 1817, and priest’s in the following year. Continuing in residence at Cambridge as fellow of Trinity College, he appears to have devoted himself especially to Oriental studies. In 1820 he was appointed the first principal of Bishop’s College, Calcutta, then just founded, under the supervision of Bishop Thomas Fanshaw Middleton (1769-1822). The new principal proved a happy combination of executive ability and scholarly attainments. He not only assisted in the publication of works in Arabic, but likewise addressed himself to the study of the vernaculars and of Sanskrit. He resigned in 1838, owing to poor health, and returned to Europe. Ten years later he was appointed regius professor of Hebrew at the University of Cambridge, with a canonry at Ely. He died on December 25, 1853.
In conjunction with John Tytler, another Arabic scholar, Mill brought out, in 1837, an Arabic translation of the whole Prayer Book. Its Latin title reads:
Liturgia Anglicana: seu Liber Precum Communium et Administrationis Sacramentorum aliorumque Ecclesiæ Rituum et Ceremoniarum, adjecto Davidis Psalterio. . . . Arabice nunc primum totus editus. Preces Matutinas et Vespertinas, cum Officiis S. Eucharistiæ et Pædobaptismi Publici dudum interpretatus est . . . E. Pococke. Collectas vero et Catechismum Io. Tytler . . . Reliqua omnia (præter S. S. Scripturæ pericopas ex antiquâ versione Arabicâ repetitas) supplevit, et Psalterii versioni e Græcâ Alexandrinâ olim factre collationem textus Hebraici et versionum antiquarum, cum locorum in Novo Testamento citatorum annotatione, ubique adjecit Gul. H. Mill. [Calcutta.] Typis Collegii Episcopalis Calcuttensis, 1837.
xxxvi, 277, 216 pages; paper, 8 x 10½ inches. The reverse of title-page contains the approbation of Daniel Calcuttensis, ep. Follows title in Arabic, reverse blank.
David Griffiths identifies this translation as No. 8:3 in The Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer 1549-1999 (London: The British Library; New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 2002).
It was digitized in August 2010 by Richard Mammana from a personal copy.