Kitap Lamo gi pogo Sacrament gi Tim Moko mar Kanisa Kaka Kanisa Mar Ingreza Otimo.
The Book of Common Prayer in Dholuo.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1930.

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1.Wach Lamo mar Okiny 7 The Order for Morning Prayer
2. Wach Lamo mar Odhiambo 20 The Order for Evening Prayer
3. Litani 29 The Litany
4. Lamo kendo Goyo Erokamano 35 Prayers and Thanksgivings
5. Lamo, Waraka, gi Injili 42 Collects, Epistles, and Gospels
6. Wach pogo Lalruok Maler 185 The Order of the Administration of the Lord's Supper, or Holy Communion
7. Wach Batiso Nyithindo 208 Publick Baptism of Infants
8. Wach Batiso Jo Madongo 216 Baptism of those of Riper Years
9. Katekism 225 A Catechism
10. Wach Jip, kata Yieyo Luedo Kuom Jogo Ma Nobatisi Kendo Mose Doko Mariek 231 The Order of Confirmation
11. Wach Kend 234 The Form of Solemnization of Matrimony
12. Wach Yiko Jo Motho 243 The Order for the Burial of the Dead
13. Goyo Erokamano mar Mon Mose Nyuol 251 The Thanksgiving of Women after Child-Birth


This translation of portions of the Book of Common Prayer into Dholuo was prepared by members of the Church Missionary Society. Dholuo, also known as Nilotic Kavirondo or Luo, is a Nilo-Saharan language used in Kenya, Tanzania, and in diaspora. It was the ancestral language of the paternal family of Barack Obama. The State Prayers include intercessions for George V as monarch of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (the office was abolished in 1963).

This text is identified as No. 92:2 in David Griffiths's Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer 1549-1999 (London: The British Library; New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 2002). It was digitized in 2019 by Richard Mammana from a personal copy.