German Services: Prepared as a Specimen of a Proposed German Prayer-book.
Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1869.


This translation of portions of the American Book of Common Prayer into German is not listed in David Griffiths' Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer 1549-1999 (2002). William Muss-Arnolt describes it briefly in The Book of Common Prayer among the Nations of the World (1914):

In 1869 appeared “German Services proposed as a specimen of a proposed German Prayer Book.” By a Presbyter of the Church. Philadelphia: Lippincott. 43, (1) pages. 12mo. 

A tentative note by the Right Reverend Arthur Cleveland Coxe (1818-1896) is appended to the translation:

The Bishop of Western New York, as one of the Committee on a new German Prayer-Book, publishes this meritorious specimen by an esteemed brother: but withholds his judgment as to the principle of the Translation, which seems to be that of the utmost fidelity to the idioms of the English Prayer-Book without reference to the equivalent idioms of the German language.

Buffalo, August 21, 1869.

This text was digitized by Richard Mammana in 2018 from a personal copy.

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