Ekitabo ŋolo ka Akilip ŋolo a ŋituŋa dadaŋ ka ŋuna akorakin asakaramento Ka ŋace kiro ŋunapolok ikwaŋinapei akiiun a Ekanisa kaapei ka ŋice Kiruk ka ŋieothiyo.
Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Karamojong.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1957.
Karamojong is a Nilo-Saharan language spoken mainly in northeastern Uganda, but also in neighboring Kenya and South Sudan.
Church of England missionary activity in what is now Uganda began in 1877 under the auspices of the Church Missionary Society. The Diocese of Uganda was erected in 1897; it was followed by the Province of Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi (1961-1980). Today, the Province of the Church of Uganda has twenty-seven dioceses using many translations of the Book of Common Prayer.
David Griffiths identifies this translation as 76:1 (under KARIMOJONG, Uganda, East Africa; also Akaramajo, Akaramajong, Akaromojong, Karamojo) in The Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer 1549-1999 (London: The British Library; New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 2002). Earlier Anglican liturgical translations into Karamojong—neither listed in Griffiths—include one from the Bible Churchmen's Missionary Society (1930), and one by the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge (1933).
This text was digitized in 2013 by Richard Mammana from a personal copy.
Akilip Ŋina a Taparac
The Order for Morning Prayer, 1-11Akilip Ŋina ka Ataboŋ
The Order for Evening Prayer, 12-14Litania
The Litany, 15-20Ŋakilipet ka Ŋakimalaet
Prayers and Thanksgivings, 21-27Ŋakilipeta, Ŋabaruai, ka Ŋiemuto
Collects, Epistles and Gospels, 28-60Amoret Ŋinakwaŋan
The Order for Holy Communion, 61-80Akibatisa Ŋidwe Ŋulucicik a Lokanisa
The Order for Public Baptism in the Church, 81-87Akibatisa Ŋituŋa Ŋulu Apolok Ŋulu Epedorete Aboŋokin Kaŋunakec Make
The Order for Baptism of such as are of Riper Years, 88-95Ŋuna ka Akitolomun Ŋituŋa Ŋulu Ecamito Akisom Akibatisa
CatechismsAkitogogoŋ Kori Akidokokin Ŋakan Ŋul Ŋulu Adaut Akibatisao Kenaŋ Ŋikaru Ŋulu Epakata
Ŋakiro Ŋuna a Ekiitanu
Ekitabo Ŋolo Ka Akilip [5.5 MB, PDF]
Prayer Book portions
Ŋiethiyo [1.2 MB, PDF]
Hymns, 116-156