Ruana Book Palon̈a:
Short Daily Prayers, Preparation for and Service of Holy Communion (with Hymns and Thanksgivings), and some Occasional Collects, in the language of Saa (South Mala), British Solomon Islands.
Summer Hill, New South Wales: Melanesian Mission Press, 1946.

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Sa'a (also known as South Malaita and Apae'aa) is an Oceanic language spoken on Small Malaita and Ulawa Island in the Solomon Islands. It is used the Diocese of Malaita of the Anglican Church of Melanesia by more than 15,000 speakers of all ages and literacy levels. The first published materials in Sa'a were the work of missionary linguists of the Melanesian Mission, including editions in 1897, 1904, 1907, 1923, and 1943 before the current text.

The State Prayers offer intercession for King George VI in his capacity as monarch of the British protectorate of the Solomon Islands. The book also contains prayers for the martyrdom of Bishop John Coleridge Patteson (September 20), as well as prayers mentioning other martyrs and missionaries: Joseph Atkin, Stephen Taroaniara, Edwin Nobbs, Fisher Young, George Augustus Selwyn, and John Richardson Selwyn.

This book is not included in David Griffiths's Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer 1549-1999 (British Library/Oak Knoll Press, 2002). It was printed at the Melanesian Mission Press in Summer Hill, New South Wales in June, 1946 in an edition of 1,000 copies. The 1946 translation was superseded in 1960 by a 455-page translation prepared by Willie Masuraa and then in 1979 by Palona Haalu Ana Nau Maai Sa’a / A Liturgy for Melanesia in the Language of Sa’a.

This text was digitized in April 2022 by Richard J. Mammana.