Thathamet: Thatathyaj Thaye Thatenek.
Portions of the Book of Common Prayer and Paraphrases of Well-known English Hymns in the Mataco Language as Spoken by a Tribe of Indians Living in That Part of the Gran Chaco which is under the Rule of the Argentine Republic.
London: The Religious Tract Society, 1926.
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El Orden para la Oracion Matutina y Vespertina 7-14Morning and Evening Prayer Unas Oraciones 15-20Prayers Los Diez Mandamientos 21-22The Ten Commandments Bautismo Público de Parvulos 23-27Public Baptism of Infants Bautismo Público de Adultos 28-32Public Baptism of Adults
Permanent Anglican missionary activity in the Gran Chaco of northern Argentina began in 1911 under the auspices of the South American Missionary Society. The Wichí people of this region speak a number of languages; this translation and subsequent Anglican translations have been into Wichí Lhamtés Vejoz. Liturgical titles and headings in this translation are provided in Spanish.
David Griffiths identifies this translation into "Mataco" as 109:1 in The Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer 1549-1999 (London: The British Library; New Castle, Delaware: Oak Knoll Press, 2002). It was digitized in 2012 by Richard Mammana from a copy provided by the late Thomas N. Rae. Griffiths lists subsequent Anglican liturgical translations into Wichí languages as follows:
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1930, 187 pp.109:3
Thatenek hi.
Buenos Aires: Methopress for Mision Chaquena, 1976, 202 pp.109:4
Salta: Iglesia Anglicana, 1992, 240 pp.