As Compiler or Author
Intercommunion between the Episcopal Church and the Polish National Catholic Church: An Introduction and Sourcebook
ISBN 9798402891548
Nine Generations of Descendants of Antonino Mammana and Margherita Giordano in Castel di Lucio, Messina and Easton, Pennsylvania
available from the compiler
Moravians and Anglicans: Ecumenical Sources
ISBN 9798406196007
Our Aunt: Low Church Observations of American Anglo-Catholicism
ISBN 978168879774
Hooker's Laws in Modern Spelling
(online only) 
2012 MetroNorth Morning (haiku)
Tracts for the Times by Members of the University of Oxford
ISBN 9780970036209
out of print
Akathist to Charles the Martyr
out of print

Chapters contributed

150 Years of George Street: Essays on S. Stephen's, Providence

Vladimir von Tsurikov, editor
The Trinity-Sergius Lavra in Russian History and Culture
Jordanville: Holy Trinity Seminary Press
ISBN 9781929829279 

J. Robert Wright, editor
Proverbs section of Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, Old Testament IX: Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
Intervarsity Press
ISBN 9780830814794
translated into Chinese, Italian, Russian, and Spanish.
Vladimir von Tsurikov, editor
A.S. Khomiakov: Poet, Philosopher, Theologian
Jordanville: Holy Trinity Seminary Press
ISBN 9781929829262  
Five chapters of Saint Thomas Church Fifth Avenue
By J. Robert Wright
Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans
ISBN 9780802839121


As copy editor or reviser

A Concise Introduction to World Religions
By Roy C. Amore and Amir Hussain
Oxford University Press ISBN 9780190919023

Press on the Kingdom: The Life of Charles Chapman Grafton
By Eldridge Pendleton, SSJE
Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Society of St. John the Evangelist.

Yankee Bishops: Apostles in the New Republic, 1783 to 1873
By Charles Henery
Peter Lang AG Studies in Episcopal and Anglican Theology. ISBN 9781433123610.

An Embattled Priest: The Life of Father Oliver Sherman Prescott
By Jervis Zimmerman
AuthorHouse. ISBN 9781477254837.

Recovering John Talbot
By Cynthia W. McFarland
Burlington, New Jersey: privately printed.

A Companion to Bede: A Reader's Commentary on the Ecclesiastical History of the English People
By J. Robert Wright.
Eerdmans. ISBN 9780802863096.

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism: Studies in Christian Ecclesiality and Ecumenism in Honor of J. Robert Wright.
Eerdmans, ISBN 9780802829405 

Saint Dunstan's Plainsong Psalter: The Psalms of David and the Canticles Pointed and Set to the Ancient Gregorian and British Tones together with the Order for Matins and Evensong
Glendale, Colorado: Lancelot Andrewes Press. ISBN 9780971404687.

The Bibliography of the Book of Common Prayer, 1549-1999
By David N. Griffiths.
The British Library/Oak Knoll Press. ISBN 9781584560814

Transcending Vision: R. H. Ives Gammell 1893-1981
By Gerald Ackerman and Elizabeth Ives Hunter
Maryhill Museum of Art.

Edited and revised unpublished theses and dissertations at Yale University, Columbia University, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, Nashotah House Theological Seminary, the General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church, St. Paul's University, Tokyo (Rikkyo).

Peer reviewer for Anglican Theological Review, International Bulletin of Missionary Research, Anglican and Episcopal History, Journal of Anglican Studies, The Historiographer.

Volunteer copy editor, The Living Church, The Historiographer (uncredited)