A Sketch of the Riale Family of Bucks County, Pa. Descendants of John Riale, Who Emigrated from England in 1728, and Purchased Land in Bucks County, in 1730.

Among the families that have acted a considerable part in the local annals of New Britain and Doylestown townships has been that of Riale. The name itself is unique and peculiar.

John Riale, progenitor of Bucks County Riales was born in England 1688, came to America 1728, purchased lands from Joseph Kirkbride, part of the tract included in ground of the Free Society of Traders. This comprised 200 acres lying with boundaries of New Britain—now northern part of Doylestown. This was purchased 24 April 1730.

Leaving Doylestown, went a mile northwestward, known as Cook’s and Pine Run—known as Iron Hill. An ancient Riale property was here some years ago; owners were I; B; Barnes, Robert James, John Bolinger, T. A. Myers, I Richard. Original homestead later residence of I. Richert. Ancestor resided there 1730-1748; made will, died, buried New Britain. Died August 14, 1748, the oldest grave.

Real estate divided between sons Joshua and Richard, each 150 acres. John received £100. Richard is only descendant traced.

Richard Riale born 1723, married 1757 (Mary Griffith) died January 1804 in 81 year, buried New Britain, Baptist. First homestead came in possession of Morris family

Richard Riale lived in ancestral property just northwest of present Mennonite meeting house; lived there, left property to John and Joshua. John sold 131 acres of it to Joshua and obtained other lands of his father-in-law David Evans; sale 185 for $1859.

John, eldest son, born 1759; after Revolution married Susanna Evans, daughter of David Evans, by whom he had five children. In 1815 he purchased 100 acres in Pine Run Valley, a mile southwest new New Britain village, now owned by F. Haldeman.

John Riale also owned the present Huland farm. Of extremely tall stature, a man of education, of excellent judgement, in practical affairs, of unswerving honesty, and of mild peaceable disposition. As man and Christian, long remembered. Magistrate, office of Justice of Peace 1815, Director of poor of Bucks County.

Richard, eldest son, owned 100 acres of Doyle lands, now Doylestown, bought in 1805 from John Riale.

By second wife three children. John Jr. married Anna Evans, moved to Illinois 1854, children Robert, Mary, Warren.

Third child of John married Morris, son Oliver Norris, son Charles a clothier in Philadelphia. Other son Norman is lawyer.

John Riale died 1846; buried New Britain.

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