Richard Mammana's personal website



The Book of Common Prayer


The Patent Pulpit

Thomas Noyes-Lewis

Philatelic Lectionary

Art of Garnishing Churches

Good King Wenceslas

Welcome to my personal website, which I envision as a way of easily sharing material of private interest that may be useful to others.

An academic website with my CV and other information is available at

In 1999, I founded Project Canterbury, which is a free online archive of out of print Anglican books, pamphlets, documents and other related materials.

Since 1999 I have been an active part of the work of the Living Church Foundation, publisher of The Living Church magazine, and a frequent contributor to its online and print publications.

I am an active board member of the Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, founded in 1809 to distribute those books at no charge; a director of the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament (American Branch), founded in 1867 to promote greater participation in the Holy Communion; and a trustee of the Yarnall Library at the University of Pennsylvania, founded in 1911 to supply books related "the History, Doctrine or Worship of the Catholic Church, as treated by the early Fathers and Doctors, or those of the Mediaeval period, or recently by Anglicans."

My personal library is catalogued on LibraryThing. I maintain a wordpress page on mostly bibliographic issues.

Nashotah House Theological Seminary houses the Richard Mammana Pamphlet Collection, an archival sub collection with strengths in nineteenth-century Anglican and Episcopal institutions, controversies, homiletics, liturgy, ecumenism, and missionary activity.
Last updated: November 2024
Richard J. Mammana, Jr.