Editions, Translations, and Adaptations of the Book of Common Prayer
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Die Ordnung der Heiligen Communion bey des Herrn Nachtmal wie solches noch zur zeit in den Englendischen Kirchen gehalten wird.

Abridgement of the Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of the Church of England.
Revised by Benjamin Franklin and Francis Dashwood.
London: Printed in the Year 1773.

French-English diglot
La Liturgie ou Formulaire des Prières Publiques à l'Usage du Collège Royal et des Ecoles Nationales d'Hayti.
A Sans-Souci: de l’Imprimerie Royale, c. 1815.
The Liturgy or Form of Common Prayer for the Use of the Royal College and National Schools of Hayti.
Sans-Souci: At the King's Printing Office, c. 1815.

Bullom So
Select Portions of the Book of Common Prayer, according to the Use of the United Church of England and Ireland.
Translated by Gustavus Reinhold Nyländer.
London: Ellerton and Henderson, 1816.

Prayers for Families and for Particular Persons Selected from the Book of Common Prayer, Translated into the Language of the Six Nations of Indians, by Eleazer Williams.

Albany, New York: G. J. Loomis, 1816.

Compendium of the Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church according to the Use of the United Church of England and Ireland, translated into the Hindoostanee Language.
London: Printed by Richard Watts for the Prayer Book and Homily Society, 1818.

Liturgiæ Ecclesiae Anglicanae partes præcipuæ: sc. preces matutinæ et vespertinæ, ordo administrandi cænam Domini, et ordo baptismi publici; in Linguam Arabicam traductæ.
Translated by Edward Pococke.
London: R. Watts for the Prayer Book and Homily Society, 1826.

Liturgiæ Ecclesiae Anglicanae partes præcipuæ: sc. preces matutinæ et vespertinæ, ordo administrandi cænam Domini, et ordo baptismi publici; in Linguam Persicam traductæ.
Translated by Samuel Lee and Mirza Muhammad Ibrahim.
London: R. Watts for the Prayer Book and Homily Society, 1828.

סֵדֶר תְּפִלּוֹת יִשְׂרָאֵל
London: 1833.

The Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England.
Translated by the Rev. J. Dixon.
Bombay: Published for the Church Missionary Society. Printed at the American Mission Press, 1835.

Morning Prayers in the Awabakal Dialect.
A Selection of Prayers for the Morning, from the Service of the Church of England, Intended for the Introduction of Public Worship amongst the Aborigines of Australia.

By the Venerable W.G. Broughton, Archdeacon of New South Wales and Its Dependencies.
Translated into the Northumberland Dialect by L. E. Threlkeld.
Sydney: no publisher, 1835.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Arabic.
Calcutta: Diocesan College Press, 1837.

Ordnung des täglichen Morgen- und Abend-Gebetes nebst einer Litaney zum Gebrauch der deutsch-protestantischen Episcopal-Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten.
New-York: Doolittle und Vermilye, 1837.

Liturgia, seu Liber Precum Communium, et Administrationis Sacramentorum, Aliorumque Rituum et Cæremoniarum Ecclesiæ, juxta Usum Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ et Hibernicæ unà cum Psalterio, seu Libro Psalmorum cui accedit Forma et Modus Creandi, Ordinandi, et Consecrandi Episcopos, Presbyteros, et Diaconos.
Londini: Impressit Ricardus Watts, Impensis Societatis ad Cognitionem Christianam Promovendam Institutæ, 1842.

The Morning and Evening Prayer, translated from the Book of Common Prayer [to be used by the Ottawa Indians].
Detroit: Geiger and Christian, 1844.

Incwadi Yokukuleka Jenga-so Isimiso Sebanhla Las'England.
[Pietermaritzburg]: May and Davis, 1856.

The Litany, or General Supplication, with the Confirmation Service for the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Mission, Cape Palmas, W.A.
Cavalla, Western Africa: Printed on the Messinger Press, 1858.

Dureisâni-Tamil-puttagam: The Lady's Tamil Book, Containing the Morning and Evening Services and Other Portions of the Book of Common Prayer, in Romanized Tamil, accompanied by the English version in parallel columns; together with an Anglo-Tamil Grammar and Vocabulary.
By Elijah Hoole.
London: Longman and Co.; Madras [Chennai]: Higginbotham, 1860.

The Morning and Evening Services, According to the Use of the United Church of England and Ireland. translated into the Language of the Saulteaux Indians.
By the Reverend John Horden.
Moose, Ontario: Church Missionary Society, 1861.

Ka Buke o ka Pule Ana a Me Ka Hooko Ana i na kauoha hemolele.
Honolulu: Polynesian Book and Job Print, 1862.

The Scottish Communion Office Done into Greek.
Edited by Alexander Penrose Forbes.
London: Joseph Masters, 1865.

German Services: Prepared as a Specimen of a Proposed German Prayer-book.
Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1869.

Ikce Wocekiye Wowapi Kin. [Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Dakota]
Yankton Agency: Mission Press, 1870.

The Book of Common Prayer translated into Mandarin.
By J. S. Burdon and S.I.J. Schereschewsky.
Shanghai: American Episcopal Mission, 1872.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Sindhi.
London: Stephen Austin and Sons for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1873.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Hindi.
Bihāna aur sāñjha kī prārthanā aur prabhu bhoja aur baptismā kī vidhi.
Ludhiana: Mission Press, 1874.

The Book of Common Prayer, according to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America.
Translated into the Mohawk or Iroquois Language by the Rev. Eleazer Williams.
New York: T. Whittaker, 1875.

Missions-Bog for Den protestantisk-episkopale kirke, Oversat fra det Engelske af Rev. Erik Petersen.

Chicago: "Skandinavens" Bog-og Accidents-Trukkeri, 1875.

香港 : 聖士提反堂蔵板, 光緒三年.
The Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the Use of the Church of England; The Psalter or Psalms of David; and the Form, and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating Bishops, Priests, and Deacons.
Translated into Cantonese by the Rev. Arthur B. Hutchinson.
Hong Kong: St. Stephen's Church, 1877/1878.

The Morning and Evening Prayer, and the Litany, with Prayers and Thanksgivings Translated into the Neklakapamuk Tongue, for the Use of the Indians of the St. Paul's Mission, Lytton, British Columbia.
Victoria, British Columbia: S. Paul's Mission Press (SPCK), 1878.

An Order for the Holy Communion, arranged from the Mozarabic Liturgy.
By the Rev. Charles R. Hale, D.D.
[Baltimore, Maryland:] Privately Printed, 1879.

Handbok wid Gudstjenstens Förrättande för Iowa Stift, Forenta Staterna i Amerika.

Davenport, Iowa: Globe Boktryckeri, 1879.

Offices for the Solemnization of Matrimony, the Visitation of the Sick, and the Burial of the Dead, Translated into the Neklakapamuk Tongue, for the Use of the Indians of the St. Paul's Mission, Lytton, British Columbia.
Victoria, British Columbia: S. Paul's Mission Press (SPCK), 1880.

El Orden para la Administracion de la Cena Dominical: La Santa Comunion segun el Uso de la Iglesia en los Estados Unidos de America, Traducido al Castellana.
By Nelson Reyes.
Brownsville, Texas: no publisher, 1880.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Armeno-Turkish.
London: Gilbert and Rivington for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1880.

Bischofs-Agende der Protestantisch-Bischöflichen Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika: Enthaltend den Ritus für die Weihe von Bischöfen, Priestern und Diakonen, mit Litanei und Communion; die Form der Kirch-Weihung, das Amt der Installation und die heilige Confirmations-Handlung; nebst den Religions-Artikeln.

New York: New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, [1880].

A Selection of Prayers Translated from the Book of Common Prayer in the Giatikshan Language for Use at the Public Services.
Victoria: The Colonist Steam Presses, 1881.

A Zimshian Version of Portions of the Book of Common Prayer.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1882.

Na Lei Kokoeliulivuti. Prayers in the Florida Language.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1882.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in the Chipewyan Language. Adapted for the Use of the Slavi Indians by the Right Rev. W. C. Bompas, D.D., Bishop of Athabasca.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1882.

. Common Prayers of the Church.
Philadelphia: Episcopal Committee in Promoting Christian Work among the Chinese in Philadelphia, 1884.

A Form of Prayer to be Used at Bush Services in the Diocese of North Queensland.
Townsville: Printed by T. Willmett, Flinders Street, 1885.

Anamie-Muzinaigun Wejibuewising Wejibuemodjig Chi Abaditowad.

Detroit, Minnesota: Ka-ajauaangag: The Record Steam Printing Office, 1886.

Nippon Seikōkwai Kitō Bun
Transliterated by John Batchelor.
Yokohama: Printed for the Japan Mail Office, 1889.

Preliminary Report of Liturgical Committee, 1889.
I. Proposed Alterations and Additions in the Book of Common Prayer.
II. Proposed Book of Offices.
New York: Published for the Committee by James Pott and Company, 1889.

Shāōnshkgum shag̲ait gigīengwaklthit, dīlth wila ontk ga sacramentsit, dīlth gik nag̲azāout hoiya dit dīlth wilalau churchit, nīwalda hoi Churchum Englandit.
Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in the Zimshian Language.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1892.

Ekalesia Bukana: Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Suau.
Auckland: Abel and Dykes, printers, 1895.

The Book of Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church.
Commendation by Isaac Lea Nicholson.
Milwaukee: The Young Churchman Coompany, 1893. [PDF]

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Pashto.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1893.

Sh'atjinkujîn: Parts of the Communion Service of the Church of England.
Privately printed for the use of the Lower Fraser Indians in the All Hallows' Mission Chapel, Yale, B.C., 1894.

Kitamo Cha Kuomba Kwa wandu wose (Hena fwana la Kanisa la Kiengereza).
Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in the language of Taveta, Eastern Equatorial Africa.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1894.

Nun-na-a-in-ah Ve-vith-ha Hin-nen-nau Hin-nen-it-dah-need.
Wind River Reservation, Wyoming: no publisher, 1895.

Ainu Karisia Eiwange Gusu An Inonno-itak Oma Kambi.
The Book of Common Prayer translated into Ainu by John Batchelor.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1896.

Deg Xinag
The Order for Daily Morning Prayer.
Translated by John Wight Chapman.
New York: A. G. Sherwood & Co., 1896.

کتاب نمازنامۀ عام کليساى مقدس انکلستان در ايران که بدست اقل العباد رابرط بروس کشيش انکليس ترجمه شد
Kitāb-i namāznāmah-i ʻāmm-i kilīsā-yi muqaddas-i Inglkistān dar Īrān kih bi-dast-i aqall al-ʻibād Rābirṭ Brūs kashīsh-i Inklīs tarjumah shud.

London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1898.

Minamato Yamangwanani na Mahuro.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1898.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Haida.
Translated by the Rev. J. H. Keen.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1899.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Shoshoni.
Translated by Charles Lajoe and the Reverend John Roberts.
Wind River Reservation, Wyoming: no publisher, 1899.

Cheyenne Service Book.
Compiled by David Augustus Sanford.
Shawnee, Oklahoma: Churchman Press, 1900.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer. Kwagūtl.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1900.

Iwe Iṣẹ ti Egwari Ṣẹkiri.
Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in the Shekiri Language.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1900.

Okusaba Enkya Mu Bāna Abato. [Service Book in Luganda]
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1900.

Ny boky fivavahana mbámy ny fomba hafa sy ny filaharana fanao ao amy ny Ekklesia, araka ny fomban’ ny Ekklesia Anglikana (na Church of England) ary koa ny saltera dia ny Salamo nataony Davida, sy ny fomba fanao amy ny fanaovana, fanendrena, sy fanamasinana ny episkopo, sy ny presbytera, ary ny diakono.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1904.

Supplement: Ny Filaharan’ Ny Eokarista, na Komoniona Masina
The Order for the Celebration of Holy Communion

Kulomba Kwikumutikinyi Ni Kwihangolobe Mu Bakiri Kubatisiwa Ni Mu Bana Bakeche Ne Kulomba Kwimubiro Bikali Bitwera Ne Tsinyimbo Tsikuboleresa Were Mu Babandu Bosi.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1907.

Ne Vavatema Vivda Pah Tage Vivda Volquane Lema Ruar.
Norfolk Island: Melanesian Mission Press, 1907.

Tolaha ni Qaoolana Mala Ulawa.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1907.

An Order for Confirmation or Laying-on-of-Hands upon Those That are Baptized and Come to Years of Discretion as Used in the Diocese of Edinburgh.
Edinburgh: R. Grant and Son, 1907.

Addu’a ta Safiya [Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Hausa.]
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1908.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Korean

Seoul: The Korean Mission, 1908.

Upper Koyukon
Service Book: Being Parts of the Book of Common Prayer Set forth for Use in the Dialect of the Qlīyukuwhūtana Indians at the Mission of Our Saviour, Tanana, Alaska.
New York: The New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, 1908.

Ebe Erhunmu Oghe Iko.
Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in the Addo Language.
London: Christian Knowledge Society, 1909.

Chikalakala cha mapempelo ya pamoji ndi kumtumikila mlungu pa sakraments, ndi malamulo ena ena ndi makonjedwe yao ya pa church, kwa mlingo wa chisimu chake Church la England.

London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1909.

Iwe Iṣẹ ti Egwari Ṣẹkiri. Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in the Shekiri Language.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1909.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer.
Ranchi: German Evangelical Lutheran Press for the SPG Mission, 1909.

Rumatari, Mani Rihunagi.
Norfolk Island: Printed at the Melanesian Mission Press, 1910.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer, in the Bontok Igorot Dialect.
Bontok: All SS. Mission Press, 1910.

Bukanyana ea merapelo ho batho ba kereke.
A simple manual of private devotions and preparation for the Holy Communion in the Sesutho Language.
Issued with the approval of the Bishop of Natal.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1911.

Services and Prayers Authorized by Adam, Third Bishop of New Westminster, Administrator of the Diocese of Kootenay, for Use in the Diocese of New Westminster and Kootenay, 1911.
Vancouver: Printed for the Diocese of New Westminster by the Moore Printing Co., 1911.

Kiki ndocho chuwo cha Mavoyo ga umwenga na kusongeza sakaramenti kidza cha mautu mengine ga kanisa here ririzho ada ra kanisa ra ungereza.
Portions of the Book of Common Prayer 1662 in Kigiryama.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1912.

Koe tohi 'oe gahi lotu bogibogi mo efiafi moe litani 'o fakatatau ki he tu'utu'uni 'oe Jiaji Igilani, moe tu'u tu'uni koe'uhi koe tokaga'i 'a feohiaga ma'oni'oni ke fai 'i he Jiaja Faka-Igilani 'i Toga.
London: H.B. Skinner & Co., 1912.

A Suggested Form of the Divine Liturgy Based on the Best Models of East and West, While Retaining the Reformation Insertions, Adapted for Use in the Anglican Church. Adapted for Use in the Anglican Church, apart from All Party Views.
[London: Printed Privately, 1912, fourth edition]

Den Allmänna Bönboken Och Förvaltandet af Sakramenten samt andra Kyrkans Ritualer och Ceremonier i öfverensstämmelse med Bruket inom den Protestantiskt Biskopliga Kyrkan i Amerikas Förenta Stater jämte Psalteren eller Davids Psalmer.
New York: The New York Bible and Common Prayer Book Society, 1913.

A Form of Supplication and Intercession for the Restoration of the World’s Peace and for Divine Guidance for All Men, Daily at Twelve O’clock.
New York: Trinity Church, 1914.

The People's Book of the Holy Eucharist.
Arranged by Bernard Iddings Bell.
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin: Haber Printing for Saint Paul's Cathedral, [1914].

Special Forms of Service Sanctioned for Use in the Church of the Province of New Zealand.
Christchurch: Published by the Authority of the Primate and Bishops at the Request of the General Synod, 1914.

Hungarian Service Book Authorized by the Diocese of Michigan City of the American Episcopal Church
Az Amerikai Apostoli Katholikus Episcopális Egyház Michigan City Egyházmegyéjének Magyar Szertartási Könyve
Translated by Victor von Kubinyi.
Published for the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan City, 1915.

Angol-Magyar Szertartas A Szent Áldozat Kiszolgáltatásához Engedélyeztetett A New Jersey Egyházmegye Használatára
English-Hungarian Office for the Celebration of the Holy Communion Authorized for Use in the Diocese of New Jersey

Translated by George E. St. Claire.
Published for the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey, 1915.

Nihon Seikōkwai Kitōsho Kyūshu Kōsei 1915 Nen Kaitei Zōho.
[Tokyo] Nihon Seikōkwai Shuppansha, 1916.

Doregari Kotopu. Holy Communion in Binandere.
Typescript, 1916.

The Little Missal for the Laity, Compiled from Authorised Sources by a Committee of Laymen, the Translation of the Canon Being That of Bishop Miles Coverdale.
London: The Faith Press, [1916].

Chinese Missal.
聖公會訂, 1917.

Forms of Prayer for Public and Private Worship in Time of War.
No place: no publisher, 1917.

Atalatala Tautaufaa ke Tautaufaai I Thauna E Tapu (Reef Islands).
Norfolk Island: Melanesian Mission Press, 1918.

Daily Prayers, Holy Communion and Devotions, Form of Confession and Instruction, Etc. in the Ubir Language, of Wanigela, Collingwood Bay, Papua.
Sydney: D.S. Ford, 1920.

A Simple Mass Book.
London: Society of SS. Peter and Paul, 1920.

The Holy Cross Missal: Propers and Commons of Various Feasts and Fasts Not Included in the Book of Common Prayer together with the Ordinary and Canon of the Mass, Requiems, and Other Votive Masses.
West Park, New York: Holy Cross Press, 1920.

In Remembrance: The Supper of the Lord and the Holy Communion, Commonly Called the Mass, as Set Forth in the Book of Common Prayer by Authority of the Church of England, and Ordered to be Used in All Churches, Arranged with Extra Devotions, by M. Euan Smith, for Use at a Said Celebration of the Lord’s Supper, and Illustrated by T. Noyes Lewis.
London: The Faith Press, 1920.

Bada ari Foraga ari Buandi ari nane, ai Totoruga Muanfafusi.
Bartle Bay, British New Guinea: New Guinea Diocesan Press, 1921.

Ristretto del Libro delle Preghiere Pubbliche della Chiesa Episcopale.
Selections from the Book of Common Prayer of the Episcopal Church.
New York: Foreign-Born Americans Division, Department of Missions, 1922.

Service Book of the Western Eskimos for Use in the Diocese of Mackenzie River.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1922.

Biblion koinēs proseuchēs, kai teleseōs tōn mystēriōn, kai allōn thesmōn kai teletōn tēs Ekklēsias kata tēn synētheian tēs Ekklēsias tēs Anglias.
London: Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, 1923.

Morning and Evening Prayer and the Holy Communion together with Selections of the Psalms Translated into the Eskimo Language of the Tigara Tribe of Arctic Alaska.
Seattle, Washington: no publisher, 1923.

Muombero Wecidyo Catenzi Nokuti Cidyo Cinoyera
. [PDF]
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1923.

Cummey Shirveish Ashoonach Ayns Chengey Ny Mayrey Ellan Vannin.
Doolish: Prentit son Yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh liorish, 1924.

Rutbah munāwalah ʻAshāʼ al-Rabb aw al-Shirkah al-Muqaddasah.
The Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion.

Translated by H. Henry Spoer.
Detroit: Foreign Born Americans Division, Diocese of Michigan, 1925.

Соборний Молитовник
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge for the Church of England in Canada, 1926.

Thathamet: Thatathyaj Thaye Thatenek.
Portions of the Book of Common Prayer and Paraphrases of Well-known English Hymns in the Mataco Language as Spoken by a Tribe of Indians Living in That Part of the Gran Chaco which is under the rule of the Argentine Republic.
London: The Religious Tract Society, 1926.

Mokhoa oa ho etsa komunione e halalelang o ka sebeliosoang sebakeng sa mokhoa oa khale.
The Alternative Liturgy of the Church of the Province of South Africa in the Sesuto Language.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1926.

Enye Inkonzo Yokwenza Isidhlo Senkosi noma Ukudhlelana Okungcwele.
[Alternative form of Service for Holy Communion in Zulu]
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1926.

Chuo cha kulomba kwa wandu wose na kusuguria sakaramenti sena cha malago mazima na mabonyo ga ikanisa seji gitumilwaga kwa ikanisa ja wungereza chia imweri na zaburi ra Daudi.
The Book of Common Prayer in the Taita Dabida Language.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1927.

The Holy Eucharist Simplified in Accordance with Ancient Tradition on the Basis of the Book of Common Prayer.
By William Palmer Ladd.
New Haven: The Altar Guild, [nd, c. 1928-1941].

An English-Arabic Service Book: Forms of Service Sanctioned for Use in the Church of S. Mary, Wadi Halfa, by the Bishop in Egypt and the Sudan.
Cairo: Printed at the Nile Mission Press, c. 1930.

A Mass Book according to the Western Rite.
Compiled by the Reverends Charles Harcourt Blofeld and Henry Joy Fynes-Clinton.
London: no publisher, c. 1930.

Atoran Sambayang Kata Salakau.
Lundu, Borneo: Christ Church, c. 1930.

Cummey Shirveish Ashoonagh Ayns Chengey ny Mayrey Ellan Vannin.
Doolish: Prentit son Yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh liorish, 1930.

Kitap Lamo gi pogo Sacrament gi Tim Moko mar Kanisa Kaka Kanisa Mar Ingreza Otimo.
The Book of Common Prayer in Dholuo.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1930.

Common Prayer for Children: A Series of Forms of Service Preparatory to the Use of the Book of Common Prayer.
Compiled by Arthur Rupert Browne Wilkinson.
London: Church of England Sunday School Institute, 1931.

The Order for the Administration of the Holy Communion with a Rearrangement of the Canon in Accordance with Archbishop Cranmer's "Order of Communion" of 1548 and the First English Reformed Rite of 1549.
By Edward Craddock Ratcliff.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1931.

Diocese of Szechwan, 1932.

Shanghai: Issued by the American Church, 1932.

Te Alaa Hakatulou Iaho Katoa, Te Veisili Talatala Ma Te Hakatulou Mea Kanakana Ite Kaitapu
[Private and Daily Prayers, the Catechism, Preparation for Holy Communion in Sikaiana]
British Solomon Islands: Printed at the Melanesian Mission Press, Guadalcanar, 1932.

Keha Tarai Mala Lao Legu Narone. Ka Cheke Holo.
British Solomon Islands: Printed at the Melanesian Mission Press, Guadalcanar, 1934.

Die Kommunionfeiern der Kirche von England, der Bischöflichen Kirche in Schottland, und der Protestantischen Bischöflichen Kirche in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.
Dedication by George Moog; foreword by Paul Heinz Vogel.
Freiburg im Breisgau: Willibrordbuchhandlung, 1934.

The Communion Services As It Might Be, together with an Introduction and Notes.
By Hugh Cecil.
London: Humphrey Milford, 1935.

A Suggested Order for the Administration of the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion.
New York: E.S. Gorham, 1935.

A Suggested Order for the Ministration of Holy Baptism.
New York: Edwin S. Gorham, 1937.

在華北教區試用, 主教鄂方智, 1937.

Kamba Fule Kpoloe.
Translated by Alan Russell Bragg.
Robertsport, Liberia: Douglas Muir Memorial Press, 1937.

A Book of Common Prayer Authorised for Use in Churches and Chapels in the Diocese of Melanesia.
British Solomon Islands: Printed at the Melanesian Mission Press, Hautabu, Guadalcanar, 1938.

The Ceylon Liturgy: An Order for the Administration of the Holy Communion.
Madras: SPCK in India, 1938.

A Parish Eucharist according to Ancient Catholic Usage and the Book of Common Prayer.
[By Stephen A. Hurlbut]
Washington, D.C.: The St. Albans Press, 1939.

The People's Order of the Mass
Authorized for Use in the Diocese of Nassau, 1939.

Service Book for the Diocese of New Jersey.
Authorised by Wallace J. Gardner.
Princeton, New Jersey: The Diocese of New Jersey, 1940.

A Prayer Book Manual. [PDF]
Prepared by the Boston Clergy Group of the Episcopal Evangelical Fellowship, 1943.

'N Alternatiewe Vorm van die Formulier vir die Here se Avondmaal of Heilige Kommunie. [Afrikaans Alternative Holy Communion]
London, Johannesburg and Salisbury: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, no date.

Na Book Ni Rihunai. Portions of the Book of Common Prayer, with Hymns, in the language of Arosi.
Summer Hill, New South Wales: Melanesian Mission Press, 1945.

Na Book Fooalaa.

Summer Hill, New South Wales: Melanesian Mission Press, 1945.

An Alternative Form of the Calendar and Occasional Offices of the Church Set forth by Authority for Use in the Church of South Africa Where Allowed by the Bishop.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1946.

O Book Tataro. Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Mota.
Summer Hill, New South Wales: Melanesian Mission Press, 1947.

The Book of Common Prayer Containing Additions and Deviations Authorised by the Episcopal Synod of the Church of India, Burma and Ceylon.

Madras: S.P.C.K. in India, 1947.

The Anámnesis of the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ Containing the Liturgies of the Offertory, Consecration, and Holy Communion, Commonly Called the Mass
According to the Use of the Society of the Catholic Commonwealth.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: Oratory of Saint Mary and Saint Michael, 1947.

An Order for the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist in Accord with Early Tradition and the Book of Common Prayer.
[By Stephen A. Hurlbut]
Washington, D.C.: The St. Albans Press, 1947.

An Order for the Administration of the Holy Communion Commonly Known as the Indian Liturgy.
Oxford University Press, 1948.

Nga Tolaha Ana Ngaunga Maea. [Nga Mailaka Munia; Na Mwai Halui Teangaiha I Suli Haudinga.]
Holy Communion Manual with Prayers for Daily Use in the Language of Ulawa, British Solomon Islands.
Summer Hill, New South Wales: Melanesian Mission Press, 1948.

Cigogo Version of Portions of the Book of Common Prayer.
Walaka wo wulombe we wanhu wose, no wunoze wa sakaramenti, kuhanga no wityatye wunji wo mukung'ano wa cinjereza.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1948. (1959 printing)

The Book of Offices: Services for Certain Occasions not provided for in the Book of Common Prayer.
New York: The Church Pension Fund, 1949.

Gũcũkũra kũmwe na kũmwe kuumĩte ibubu-inĩ rĩrĩa rĩĩtagwo ibuku rĩa thara o na thaburi hamwe na gũcũkũra gwa gwĩtĩkĩra andũ matuĩke acaria o na athomagi o na gũcũkũra gwa gũtua andũ acemathi o na gwa kwamũra andũ matuĩke agathithi hamwe na gũcũkũra gwa kũhikithania andũ nakuo ũmwe wao atabatithĩtio.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1949.

Na Voihavo Matena na Hahani Tabu.

Summer Hill, New South Wales: Melanesian Mission Press, 1950.

Order of Service for the Reception of Baptized Persons into the Full Membership of the Church commonly called Confirmation.
Authorized for Optional Use in the Church of South India.
Madras: Printed at the Diocesan Press, 1950.

The Order for the Celebration of Low Mass according to the Use of the Illustrious Church of Salisbury.
Closely rendered into English, rubricated and presented in a usable form, together with an appendix of notes mainly historical and expository by John Edward Bazille-Corbin.
London: Printed by the Plaistow Press, [1951].

Cummey Shirveish Ashoonagh Ayns Chengey ny Mayrey Ellan Vannin.

Doolish: Prentit son Yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh liorish, 1951.

Na Tarai Nidia Mara Na Tano Ma Na Mavitu Nagogna na Vanatabu.
Form of Preparation of Priest and Server at the Foot of the Altar in Bugotu.
Taroaniara: Melanesian Mission Press, 1951.

Manual of Prayers, Catechisms and Hymns in Bandi, Kisi and English.
London: Published for Holy Cross Liberian Mission by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1952.

O Tataro Mora Gagapalag Tara Sul Amoa Nan O Ganarono
Preparation of Priests and People at the Foot of the Altar in Mota.
Taroaniara: Melanesian Mission Press, 1952.

Orokaiva (Pereho)
Humotepain-Ari te Giu.
Taroaniara, British Solomon Islands: Melanesian Mission Press, 1953.

The Holy Communion as Revised and Authorized for Permissive Use.
Tokyo: General Synod of the Nippon Sei Ko Kai, 1953.

Chinese US 1928 Morning Prayer.
Taipei: Episcopal Church in Taiwan, no date but after 1954.

Gedeeltes van ʼn Boek van Algemene Gebed en Bediening van die Sakramente deur Outoriteit Bepaal vir Gebruik in die Kerk van die Provinsie van Suid-Afrika.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1954.

Leo huri ganisabuga. Tam lol Vatuwai gida ginia i mulei tam Bulvului lol Ganisabuga.
Taroaniara, British Solomon Islands: Melanesian Mission Press, 1954.

Takada Nya Aduwa Nya Eza Kama Kendona Zizi Nya Anglican Church Yi Na.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1955.

Fagarafenga ni Gomagomaafatani mana Manuurafitani mana Ngau Apuna ana i na woita i owa rafa. Santa Ana Prayer Book.
Taroaniara, British Solomon Islands: Melanesian Mission Press, 1956.

Kitap De Duɔr.
Prayer Book with Hymns, in Dinka, Bor dialect, modified.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1956.

Chinese, Singapore
新加坡基督敎學術推進會出版, 1956.

Ateso Prayer Book.
Ekitabo loka ailip naka ituŋa kere ido loka akorakin asakarementon ka ipitenio ice lukapolok luka ailip naka ekanisa ido ka isabulin. Kwape ejaar eipone loka Ekanisa loka England, loeseunitai aitwasam kotoma aanyanaret naka Upper Nile.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1957.

Ekitabo ŋolo ka Akilip ŋolo a ŋituŋa dadaŋ ka ŋuna akorakin asakaramento Ka ŋace kiro ŋunapolok ikwaŋinapei akiiun a Ekanisa kaapei ka ŋice Kiruk ka ŋieothiyo.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1957.

Murongerwo Wokugashirisa Chirariro Chatenzi Kana Kuti Chisanganirano Chinoyera.
An Alternative Form of the Order of the Holy Communion, in Shona.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1957.

Occasional Offices (Malombelo a Kamo Kamo) Authorized for Use in the Diocese of Northern Rhodesia Translated into Chinsenga as Spoken in the Mission District of U.M.C.A. Msoro, Fort Jameson, N.R.
Alice: The Lovedale Press, 1957.

Omalinjongameno Ōngeleka.
Services of the Church in Kwanyama Authorised for Use in the Diocese of Damaraland.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1957.

Opolera Wetpur (The Holy Eucharist) Translated into Miriam.
No place: Diocese of Carpentaria, 1957.

Surat Sambiang.
A Prayer Book in the Sea Dayak Language, Authorised for Use in the Diocese of Borneo.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1957.

Livro de oracão comum. Buku la Miphahlu ya Vakristo na va hlengeletãna sontweni ni ndlela ya kuyendla masakramento no tinwanyani tiknonzo ta bandla tani hi mukhuva wa Bandla la Africa la Ryingitimu.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1958.

The Manner of Saying Low Mass.
By Thomas J. Bigham and Cuthbert A. Simpson.
New York: General Theological Seminary Bookstore, c. 1958.

Benunu tepo ae sakrament da kandoari ae ekalesia da jimbo nenei ainda book England da ekalesia da jimbo ango.
The Book of Common Prayer in the Binandere Language, Papua.
London: Society for Promoting Christina Knowledge, 1959.

Chinese US 1928 Holy Communion.
Taipei: Episcopal Church in Taiwan, 1959.


日本聖公会務院, 1959.

The Liturgy of the Church in the Province of the West Indies.
Incorporating the Preparation as Authorised for Use in the Diocese of Guiana, 1959.

Liturgie pour la Sainte Communion célébrée selon les usages de L’Église Unie de L’Inde du Sud.
No place: no publisher, 1960.

A Functional Liturgy.
By Bonnell Spencer, O.H.C.
West Park: Order of the Holy Cross [1961].

Service of Holy Communion in Cree, 1962 Canadian Prayer Book.
Translated by Archdeacon A.B. Horsefield and the Reverend Ahab Spence.
[Toronto: no publisher, no date]

Ĩvuku ya Mboya kwa andũ Onthe.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1963.

The Daily Offices and Eucharistic Liturgy in Rōmaji.
Hartford, Connecticut: Church Missions Publishing Company, [c. 1964].

A Liturgy for Africa.
London: SPCK, 1964.

A New Mass Book for the Laity Incorporating All the Most Recent Changes in the Liturgy.
Compiled by Clive R. Beresford and R. E. Young.
Newborough, Peterborough: The Crux Press, 1965.

An Order for Holy Communion.
Hong Kong: The Anglican Literature Society, 1965.

The People's Order of the Mass and Other Prayers.
Published for the Diocese of Nassau and the Bahamas, 1965.

A Halagi Huri Lai A Sacrament Laqa Na Tanaloi U Lena.
Holy Communion Prayers in Nduindui, Aoba Island, New Hebrides.
Taroaniara, British Solomon Islands: Diocese of Melanesia Press, 1965.

Simplified Morning and Evening Prayer in Lombaha.
A lenai tataro vin velu lai lo vale teri Robon.
Taroaniara: Diocese of Melanesia Press, [1965]

Simplified Morning and Evening Prayer in Nduindui.
Hala Na Tataro Tana Tataro Ginia Lolo Imada.
Taroaniara: Diocese of Melanesia Press, [1965]

Simplified Morning and Evening Prayer in Nume.
U Line Tatar Ve Vosog Le Ale Aavrund.
Taroaniara: Diocese of Melanesia Press, [1965]

Simplified Morning and Evening Prayer in Raga.
Tataro non ira hou gaituvwa. Rai vevea alalon ima.
Taroaniara: Diocese of Melanesia Press, [1965]

The Service of the Holy Eucharist Authorized by the Synod of the Lusitanian Church for Experimental Use.
Lisbon: Igreja Lusitana Católica Apostólica Evangélica, 1965.

The New Liturgy: The Liturgy of the Lord's Supper. The Celebration of Holy Eucharist and Ministration of Holy Communion.
New York: Morehouse-Barlow, 1966.

The Liturgy or Eucharist of the Church of the Province of New Zealand.
An Alternative Order approved for experimental use upon certain conditions by the General Synod, 1966.

An Order for the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist and the Administration of the Holy Communion.
Church in Wales: Proposed Revised Service for Experimental Use, April 1966.

Trefn Gwasanaeth Yr Offeren A Gweinyddu’r Cymun Bendigaid

Yr Eglwys Yng Nghymru, 1966.

A United Liturgy for East Africa.
Prepared by the East African Church Union Consultation, 1966.

Maasai-Samburu Prayer Book.
Embuku E Sayiata Too Ltung'ana Pooki.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1967.

Eshitabo Eshiokhulaama Nende Tsisakalamendo Nende Akebiima Bindi Bieikanisa.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1967.

The Trail-Rossland Liturgy. The Christian Eucharist: The Holy Communion: A new form of the Eucharistic Liturgy prepared by the people of Kootenay-Boundary Regional Parish.
Kootenay-Boundary Regional Parish: Typescript, 1967.

The Algoma Liturgy.
Typescript, 1968.

Littafin adduʼa.
Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Hausa.
London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1968.

Chööngö ngam mineukṙen im töhet inmūlkūö ngam mā i ṙô aṅ pū, 1960 & 1662.
The Order of the Holy Communion in Carnicobarese, 1960 and 1662.
No place: no publisher, 1968.

Peratoran Sembahyang.
Diocese of Sabah, 1969.

The Qu'Appelle Liturgy.
Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan: The Diocese of Qu'Appelle, 1969.

Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Bemba
Amalombelo Mu Cilala
Zambia: Fiwila Mission, Mkushi, [c. 1970]

A Book Tataro Qilodo.
No place: no publisher, 1970.

Na Soqoni Tabu: Na Veitarataravi Ni Noda Veiqaravi Kei Na Kalou.
No place: Fiji Times Printing, c. 1970.

An Order of Holy Communion for Experimental Use in the Diocese of Iran.
Teheran: The Diocese of Iran, 1971.

Na Sasavona Hahani Tabu.
Honiara: Provincial Press, 1971.

Na Kokoeliulivuti—Vana Tabu
A Liturgy for Melanesia in the language of Gela (Florida), Solomon Islands.
Honiara, Solomon Islands: Provincial Press, 1971.

Eastern Canadian Inuktitut
The Book of Common Prayer Translated into the Eastern Arctic Eskimo Tongue.
No place indicated: Diocese of the Arctic, revised 1972.

Hai-Foiae Sevo Lavu Kaleve Ena [A Liturgy for Melanesia in Lavukaleve]
Honiara, Solomon Islands: Provincial Press, 1973.

Cheke Holo
Buka Tharai Ka Cheke Marine.
Honiara, Solomon Islands: Provincial Press, 1973.

Na Buk Tatar.

Honiara, Solomon Islands: Church of the Province of Melanesia Press, 1975.

Preabuk long Bislama.

No place: no publisher, 1975.

Na Ganigogona: A Liturgy for Melanesia in Maewo
Typescript, c. 1975.

Aruaru Ni Vanga Anu Tana Bosa Ni Longu. Guadalcanal.
No place: no publisher, no date.

Chichewa-English diglot
The Holy Eucharist: The Liturgy for the Proclamation of the Word of God and Celebration of the Holy Communion
Ukaristia Woyera: Mwambo Wakulengeza Mawu a Mulungu ndi Wakuchita Chiyanjano Choyera.

Nkhotakota, Malawi: Anglican Council in Malawi; Lusaka, Zambia: Zambia Anglican Council, 1976.

Occasional Offices. Church of the Province of Papua New Guinea.
Madang, Papua New Guinea: Provincial Council, 1976.

Experimental Liturgy.
Perth: Representative Church Council of the Scottish Episcopal Church, 1977.

Liľigidim Amadalk'askw. The Nishga Liturgy.
No place: By Authority of the Bishop of Caledonia, 1977.

Fijian: Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer
Na masu vakamataka kei na masu vakayakavi nai vakarau ni veiqaravi kei na kalou me vakayagataki e nai wasewase ni lotu oqo ko Polynesia.
Suva, Fiji: Lotu Pasifika, 1977.

Fijian: Pastoral Offices
Na vavitaiso ni gone lalai ena vale tabu na lotu ni veivakataudeitaki na lotu ni veitube kei na kedra kakana tabu na tauvimate nai vakarau ni veiqaravi kei na kalou me vakayagataki e nai wasewase ni lotu oqo ko Polynesia.
Suva, Fiji: Lotu Pasifika, 1977.

Palona Haalu Ana Nau Maai Sa'a
A Liturgy for Melanesia in the Language of Sa'a (Malaita) Solomon Islands.
Honiara, Solomon Islands: Printed by Provincial Press, Published by the Diocese of Malaita, 1979.

Ang Kaayusan Ng Misa.
No place: no publisher, [1979]

An Order for the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist
Un ordre pour la célébration de la Sainte Eucharistie

Port Louis: Anglican Diocese of Mauritius, c. 1980.

E Rin Ei Ha'arahesi Nau Maea Ni Melanesia Ha'ate Ni Arosi, Hanuato'o.
A Liturgy for Melanesia in Arosi.
Honiara: Provincial Press, 1980.

Lyver Pysadow Kemyn.

Truro: Diocese of Truro, 1980.

Ator Sambiang Mass Baru Ti Dikena Dalam Diosis Kuching.
Kuching: The Diocese of Kuching, 1980.

Atur Simayang Mass Da Buleh Dog Tinan Dalam Diocese Kuching.
Kuching: The Diocese of Kuching, c. 1980.

ᎠᏓᏙᏍᎵᏗ ᏗᎪᏪᎵ. Adadosligi gigoweli.
Portions of the Book of Common Prayer in Cherokee.
Muskogee, Oklahoma: 1981. [PDF]

The Liturgy of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion): The Order for Holy Communion or the Eucharist.
Lagos: no publisher, 1983.

Te Kaitapu I Talatala O Sikaiana. A Liturgy for Melanesia in the Language of Sikaiana, Solomon Islands.
Honiara, Solomon Islands: Church of Melanesia Provincial Press, 1984.

Angliken Sios Bilong Papua Niu Gini Eukarist.
Angliken Bisops bilong Niu Gini Ailans na Aipo Rongo ol i bin oraitim dispela, 1986.

A Prayer Book for Thailand.

Bangkok: Christ Church, 1989.

Niobrara Wocekiye Wowapi.
No place: By and for the Niobrara Deanery of the Diocese of South Dakota, 1991.

Te Rotu Te Kau Kava Tapu.
The Liturgy (Holy Communion) in the Language of Tikopia.
Diocese of Temotu: Temotu Province, 1994.

Liv Servis | Service Book | Livre de prière.
Mahé: Diocese of Seychelles, Church in the Province of the Indian Ocean, 1997.

Holi Komuinion long Pijin blong Solomon Aelan fo traem nomoa long Bisop Pateson Teolojical Kolej
Holy Communion in Solomon Islands Pijin translated from A Melanesian English Prayer Book with Hymns for trial use only at Bishop Patteson College.

Olketa iia foa stiuden long Bishop Patteson Theological College nao olketa translatem long Pijin long 1999.

Na Buka Fuana Fanga’a Ana Maoma Abu: ‘Ani Fata’a ‘I Kwara’ae ‘I Malaita
Diocese of Malaita, 2001.

Ausgewählte Liturgien aus dem Book of Common Prayer mit Ordnung der Sakramentsfeiern und anderen Riten und Zeremonien der Kirche nach dem Gebrauch der Episkopalkirche.
Paris: Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, 2004.

Igitabo C' Amasengesho (Gisubiwemwo ubwa kabiri).
Bujumbura: Ishengero Anglikane mu Burundi, 2012.

Service Book.
Phnom Penh: Anglican Church of Cambodia, 2013.

The Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage. [PDF]
[New York:] no publisher, no date.

The Order for Morning Prayer: Excerpts in Eskimo (Point Hope Dialect)
[Fairbanks, Alaska]: no publisher, no date.

Kreyol/Haitian Creole
Litiji Kreyol la
no place: no publisher, no date.

Ekpere Na Usoro Ofufe-nru Di Iche Iche.
Appendix to the Ibo (Union) Prayer Book.
No place: C.S.S. Bookshops, no date.